Guidelines for Submissions

1. SUBMISSIONS: Submissions should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words and be made to the managing editor Carlos Vidales ( We only accept electronic submissions.

2. COVER SHEET: Prepare a cover sheet with paper title, author’s name, and contact information (postal address, email address, and telephone numbers). You may provide a running header on this page as well.

3. PAGE 1 OF MAIN TEXT: The first page of the main body of the paper should include the paper title, an abstract, and key words. Author’s byline should NOT appear on this page.

4. FORMATTING TEXT: We accept Word doc(x) or RTF files. Prepare text using Times New Roman size 12 pts. Indent paragraphs. Single space lines.

5. APA STYLE: Please consult an APA (7th ed.) for guidance in the preparation of reference entries, in-text citations, and in the proper use of italics and quotation marks. Note that APA does not use single quotation marks except in the instance of a quotation within a quotation. You may request a style-sheet detailing common APA guidelines as used by this journal by contacting the editor Carlos Vidales ( ).

6. FIGURES AND TABLES: Maximum width of figures and tables is 5 inches. See APA for proper formatting of tables. Figures should appear in the appropriate place in the text AND each figure should be provided in a separate file saved in an appropriate graphics format (jpg; tif; png; pdf). Resolution: Our standard is 300 ppi.

7. EMBEDDED COMMANDS: Text should be clean of embedded commands (e.g., hyperlinks, hyphenation, etc.) The only exceptions to this rule are footnotes and anchored frames (for graphics).

8. FOOTNOTES: Should appear at the bottom of the relevant page.

9. JARGON AND ACRONYMS: Our readership is diverse; text should be aimed at an intelligent but non-specialized reader. Jargon should be avoided. Acronyms should be used only if repeated frequently throughout the text; they should be defined when first introduced.