- Featured Artist
Brazilian-american artist, educator, and storyteller Ana Cristina Coura is this issue featured artist. Her artistic expression is a journey of forging connections with both beings and objects she encounters, an immersive experience that interlaces her very existence during her contemplative walks. Engaging in purposeful ambulation, she transitions from one place to another, allowing herself to meander, and in doing so, enters a state of creative transcendence—a poietic realm where connections thrive.
Through photography, drawing, collage, and the written word, she captures moments that give rise to visual and literary narratives. These narratives are woven with a profound sense of wonder and unity, conveying her profound connection to the world. Her compositions, whether captured by lens or pen, become conduits of her ethereal impressions. The interplay of shadows and reflections is the recurring motif in photographic works shared here. Within these visual harmonies lies the very essence of light’s presence and the unique perspectives that emerge when observing objects through their cast shadows. This thematic thread remains a steadfast companion in her artistic explorations, an enduring testament to her inquisitive spirit.
Currently living in the Northeast of the USA, Coura has over twenty years of experience teaching early childhood education and art. Her storytelling work focuses on Brazilian tales from the oral tradition, and she has presented numerous times at public libraries in Brazil and the USA. Her work is published on Instagram @anacristinacoura_tininha.