Volume 31Issue: 3-4Year: 2024Table of ContentForeword: (Dis)entangling Cognition, Meaning, Modeling, and EnvironmentsArticles: Virtual Worlds, Models, and Experience: A Primer on Enactivism and Philosophy of ScienceIconic Imagination in Modeling: A Semiotic Approach to Scientific InquiryExperimenting Meaning in Human-Robot InteractionsThink Outside the Bun: Freedom-Based Food Narratives and the Need for Global Dietary ChangesHow Numeral Words and Symbols Shape Arithmetical CognitionJuggling Molecules: Toward An Archeology of Computational Tools in ChemistryTriple Contingency: Updates From Niklas Luhmann’s Views on the Concept of Double ContingencyInclusion of Exclusion, Tolerance, and Vigilance: Domesticating Noise in Human Communicative SystemsBook Review: Cybersemiotics: A Transdisciplinary Cartography for Rethinking Human and Non-Human CommunicationFeatured Artist: Patricia Cazorla